Meet Our Hope

Where do I even start? 

The last two years went by at lightspeed. Barely a year into our marriage, Denise and I received the best news ever: we were gonna be parents! From that point, we had to reorient ourselves and prepare to become a family of three. So many things had to change.

I’ll write about each of those things in time. For now, it’s enough to say that God continues to humble us with His goodness and faithfulness. 

Our daughter, Hope, was born on a gloomy July afternoon. I’ll never forget what it was like to see her and hold her for the first time. So still, so dainty, so quiet, and so pretty.

That was eleven months ago. Now my darling daughter walks around like a drunkard, farts like a sailor, screams like a velociraptor, and bites like rabid weasel. Still pretty though, thank God.

We have less than a month to go before her first birthday, and I feel that aside from celebrating a milestone in Hope’s life we will also be celebrating a graduation of sorts. As spouses, as parents, as humans, the last two years have been grueling for Denise and me. Time to turn the corner. Let's see what the next two years will bring.